So, Stephanie was working late on Nov 3rd, which left me home alone with the kids from 2:00pm til 6:00pm. What was a Dad to do? My first thought, have the kids dig some holes in the back yard, then I thought, what would the kids like to do and the park sounds like a good idea. I changed out out of my work clothes, got the kids some shoes and socks. Packed up some snacks, a potty (in case some one needs to go while we are out), sand toys, food for the ducks, and oh yeah the kids.
They all did very good walking together, listening to Dad and even holding hands while we crossed the street. Joshua was either holding my hand or helping me pull the wagon. (he is the cutest) It was a little warm so we did not walk to fast, wanted them to have some energy when we got to the park.
We decided to stop and feed the ducks prior to walking over to the park. Even though the ducks did not want to have anything to do with us. The ducks must of been fed plenty earlier that day. Either way the kids still loved throwing food at the ducks in the water. Next off to the park.
We did some slides, a little chasing, and some swings. Then it was about snack time. I wrangled them up and we all sat on the bench to have a little something to eat. Right about the time we were done, this little girl (about the age of 5) came over and sat next to us and exclaimed "Hi, I'm just going to sit here". Then she proceeded to let me know she was going to play with Elizabeth once she was done with her snack.
The boys and I played while Elizabeth sat and finished her snack, along with her new friend waiting in toe. When finished, Elizabeth and the girl we walking hand and hand around the play area. The little girl was asking her questions like, "You want to swing?, You want to slide?" In turn Elizabeth would just smile. Eventually Elizabeth did want to swing, so I lifted her in and the little girl was going to push her. They did that for about 5-10 mins, while I was playing with the boys. It was kind of nice, but I was a little put off by how friendly the little girl was (I know I am crazy, but something about people in mine or my kids personal space makes me a little weird), unless we know you, then your cool. =)
After about an hour of playing it was time to go. I love how they seem to be okay with leaving, as long as you give them a 2 minute warning then they are fine. But, here was the one problem with leaving. Since we brought so much stuff and now the kids wanted to ride home in the wagon someone would have to carry all the other stuff. Let see who the winner was. Right, Elizabeth, I loaded her up like a little pack mule and pulled her behind the wagon. I am just kidding. In one hand Dad had the wagon full of three tired kids, over his sholder he had the diaper bag, and in the other hand, a potty, sand toys, and food for the ducks.
The walk home seemed a little longer then the walk there, maybe because I was sweating like crazy and seeing black spots.
We made it home safe and sound. I only had to drink a gallon of water to get hydrated :)