So I know what you are all thinking--what's with all the cutesy posts lately?! I'm reading this blog to find out how you guys deal with crazy triplet toddlers, I don't want to hear about the cute things they do and say! Tell me about the tantrums, the poop in the crib, the crying and whining for no good reason!!! The reason that we haven't been blogging about that is because none of that stuff happens at our house.
Yeah right! Did I have you going for a minute there? (Anyone that's been to the house in the last 6 months would know I'm lying!)
I guess I haven't been writing about that kind of stuff because I trying to only put good stuff out there-I want to place my order for good times (a la The Secret and Oprah). "One good life, please".
Hey--who's taking my order?! Can I talk to a manager?! I want my meal comped! (Jennifer G-that one was for you)
Ok, just kidding...I'm gone off on enough tangents now--I'll try to amuse you with a toddler triplet story. Here's a typical morning:
It's morning time and the kids all still have on their nighttime diapers. I've told them all to come to the bathroom so we can take off the diapers and put on their underwear. No one wants to come of course, so I have to pause the t.v. to get there attention (um, yeah, our kids love t.v.--oops!) Then I get to hear the cries "more t.v." "no potty" "more Dora"...
But since the darn t.v. is not on, they come down to the bathroom. That is when the chaos ensues. It goes something like this: child one can take off their pants by themselves, while the child three is standing on the step stool turning the lights and fan on and off, on and off
Mommy:"get down"
Child two starts crying because they can't get their pants down
Mommy: "come here, I'll help you" " I said get down! Leave the lights on!"
Child three gets down, but the lights are turned off. I turn the lights on while the first child is getting off of the little potty and is trying to dump their pee into the toilet, their sibling is standing right in the way still fussing because I have not been able to help them like I said I would.
The third child had moved back into the hallway.
Mommy: "come in here an go potty" I see a devilish grin. I get the pants off the second child while I help the first child dump their pee in the toilet. The second child is sitting down to go potty while the third child has come back into the bathroom to turn the light off again for us.
Child one: "nooo, turn lights on! too dark!"
Mommy: "I said leave the lights ON! Come over here!" I turn the lights on and quickly grab child 3 before they can run out again. The first child is trying to put underwear on by themselves and has both legs in one hole- "mommy, help!"
Third child is trying to take off their diaper- "it's stuck, it's stuck! help mommy"
First child is trying to wash their hands in the sink, second child is dumping pee, I help the third child take diaper off. I try to take pants all the way off of second child who stars freaking out. Mommy:"I have to take off your pants to be able to put on your underwear!" Child two does not really want to let me but I do it anyways because I know that is the only way the underwear will get on. "I'll put your pants back on after we put on your underwear".
Third child is going pee. Second child has underwear and pants on., moving toward sink to wash hands. First child takes over the job off turning the lights on and off. I'm content now sitting in the dark. I don't really care. I just want everyone to go pee and leave the bathroom with underwear and pants on! Third child finishes going pee.
Mommy: "Come hear so I can put on your underwear".
In toddler what I just said was " run, run as fast as you can! Mommy can't catch you-I'm the naked man!"
So the third child runs into the play room. Huummm-where should I go today-inside the playhouse? On top of the school bus? Sitting on the carpet? Into the living room? Sitting on the couch? Climbing over the couch? Or just run? I catch the third kid, and some how get underwear and pants on them. I sit down on the couch.
Phew, deep breath.
I look at the clock: " Is it time for me to go to work yet?"
Ahh--Good times, good times!
In that charming story, notice I didn't name the children. That's because every child has played every part in the story before.
I do want to mention that I no longer do that in the morning. The kids have gotten to the point where they just tell us if they have to go potty. I just take off their pants/diapers inthe living room and replace them with underwear right in front of ht t.v.-everyone that is except Joshua who doesn't really want to be bothered with underwear. He just wears diapers all day.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
umm, no thank you...
Hey-another post! Yea!
Elizabeth, she looks like a cutie-pie princess, but acts like a daredevil! (where does that come from?)
Here's the new cute thing she says:"umm, no thank you."
To answer questions like, "are you going to eat your peas?"
"ummm, no thank you"
Or "can you share those toys with your brother?"
"umm, no thank you"
The best is when she shakes her hands in a no gesture while she is saying it :)
Elizabeth, she looks like a cutie-pie princess, but acts like a daredevil! (where does that come from?)
Here's the new cute thing she says:"umm, no thank you."
To answer questions like, "are you going to eat your peas?"
"ummm, no thank you"
Or "can you share those toys with your brother?"
"umm, no thank you"
The best is when she shakes her hands in a no gesture while she is saying it :)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Another cute thing James says
Another cute thing James says:
the instrument maraca:
Of course, maybe I should check that that doesn't mean anything bad in Spanish....
Baby James has a new phrase: "not".
It is used, of course, in place of no. For example:
Mommy: Do you want to read this book?
James: Not.
Mommy: Are you hungry?
James: Not.
I don't know how or why this started. It was cute at first, but now I've started trying to correct him, since it won't be very cute the older he gets. I'm imaging him as a teenager saying the same thing:
Mommy: Have you done your homework?
James: Not.
Not so cute then....
It is used, of course, in place of no. For example:
Mommy: Do you want to read this book?
James: Not.
Mommy: Are you hungry?
James: Not.
I don't know how or why this started. It was cute at first, but now I've started trying to correct him, since it won't be very cute the older he gets. I'm imaging him as a teenager saying the same thing:
Mommy: Have you done your homework?
James: Not.
Not so cute then....
2009-year of the 3s
Ok, I've been prompted by Andrea to reveal the
(Thanks, BTW, Andrea for all the comments--ahem, ahem, anyone else?!)
So, Andrea guessed the two big ones-the kids are turning 3 and I'm turning 33. The rest are really just random things I keep thinking of that are multiples of not really that exciting....hopefully you all noted my sarcasm in the previous post, but here we go:
The year is 2009 (3X3)
The kids' birthday is in the 3rd month, my birthday is in the 12th month (3X4)
It's our 6 year wedding anniversary (3X2)
We finally have a good au pair, who didn't start until 2009-he's our 3rd au pair and he will be with us for 6 months (3X2)
I swear there were more things....I can't remember now...I'm sleepy.
(said in a spooky, Scooby-Doo type voice)
(Thanks, BTW, Andrea for all the comments--ahem, ahem, anyone else?!)
So, Andrea guessed the two big ones-the kids are turning 3 and I'm turning 33. The rest are really just random things I keep thinking of that are multiples of not really that exciting....hopefully you all noted my sarcasm in the previous post, but here we go:
The year is 2009 (3X3)
The kids' birthday is in the 3rd month, my birthday is in the 12th month (3X4)
It's our 6 year wedding anniversary (3X2)
We finally have a good au pair, who didn't start until 2009-he's our 3rd au pair and he will be with us for 6 months (3X2)
I swear there were more things....I can't remember now...I'm sleepy.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Even Dads can cry.
So, the other day I had a Dr. appointment so I was leaving the house later then normal. I was taking care of the kids so Stephanie could leave a little early to get a head start on work.
After breakfast we all started to play. Nothing special, just our normal playtime thing. Elizabeth asking Dad to "chase you" (her way of asking for me to chase her). Then of course James join in and I am running up and down the hall way, though the kitchen after them. They love it and so does Dad!
It was getting time for me to leave so I was telling them that Dad was going to be leaving for work. They all were giving me hugs and kisses, a couple rounds of that.
I then made it to he front door, when Joshua ran to the kitchen door way, he waved good bye and blew Dad a kiss.
As I walk to the car I was tearing up thinking how much I wanted to just go back inside and stay home all day. Oh, how I love those kids!!!
After breakfast we all started to play. Nothing special, just our normal playtime thing. Elizabeth asking Dad to "chase you" (her way of asking for me to chase her). Then of course James join in and I am running up and down the hall way, though the kitchen after them. They love it and so does Dad!
It was getting time for me to leave so I was telling them that Dad was going to be leaving for work. They all were giving me hugs and kisses, a couple rounds of that.
I then made it to he front door, when Joshua ran to the kitchen door way, he waved good bye and blew Dad a kiss.
As I walk to the car I was tearing up thinking how much I wanted to just go back inside and stay home all day. Oh, how I love those kids!!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Elizabeth's First ER Visit
Let me first start by saying that she is okay. I did not want to hold any one in suspense the entire blog.
It was Friday afternoon and we decided to take the kids to the park around the corner (about half a mile) to play since the weather was nice and to combat the cabin fever.
We all decided to walk since there were 4 adults to 3 kids this time. Mom, Dad, Au Pair-Konstantin, and our dear friend who flew out to see the kids-Kathleen.
So, we are there playing, having a good time, it was getting close to 4:30 and we usually eat around 5 so we tell the kids that we are going to be leaving in about a minute. I walk over to start to make sure that we have everything ready to pack up. I turn around to watch Elizabeth go down a corkscrew slide (mind you it is one that she has gone down alone numerous times before), and she her face plant on the side as she is going down. I am not sure if her foot got caught or what, but all I know is I see Stephanie get her at the bottom of the slide, and then say, "We have blood".
Elizabeth is obviously crying loudly by this point, I walk over and have her look over at me and I see this inch long opening right above her right eye. Let me tell you this thing was bleeding, reminded me of a MMA fighter getting cut open with an elbow. So, as you know we decided to walk so there is not van waiting near by to take her to get looked at, so I take off running to get the van.
After arriving back at the playground with the van, I see Stephanie about to put Elizabeth in the swing to do a little swinging. I get out of the van with this look of, and why are you letting our little girl with a head wound out to play some more? (Stephanie writing here: Elizabeth was in the swing because umm, we have a strong and stubborn girl! Once she finished crying all she wanted to do was go on the swing. She was wriggling her way out of my lap and I thought, well, at least she will be sitting in the swing....carry on with your story....) Stephanie mentions that it has pretty much stopped bleeding and asked what my thoughts were. I said I would be more comfortable if we had someone look at it.
After waiting and then talking with a nurse in the ER, she mentioned that we may be seen quicker if we go over to an Urgent Care. We call one to make sure they do stitches and we head out. We get to the Urgent Care check in and talk with one of the nurses there to make sure they can handle the case. One of the docs come out to look at her wound and mentions liquid stitches (glue), but since he does not use it all the time, he would send out the doc who does. The doc who does use the liquid stitches comes out and says yes she would be able to close it with just the liquid.
Half hour later we get called back, Elizabeth does amazing while they have to clean it and then apply the stitches. All and all it was an ok experience. It was nice to know that Kathleen and Konstantin were at home taking care of our other 2 while Mom and Dad could handle the emergency.
Here is a picture of the after-math:

Like I said at the beginning, she is fine. You wouldn't even know anything had happened to her. Every now and then she will put her finger on the cut and say "owie". We are very happy that everything turned out ok.
It was Friday afternoon and we decided to take the kids to the park around the corner (about half a mile) to play since the weather was nice and to combat the cabin fever.
We all decided to walk since there were 4 adults to 3 kids this time. Mom, Dad, Au Pair-Konstantin, and our dear friend who flew out to see the kids-Kathleen.
So, we are there playing, having a good time, it was getting close to 4:30 and we usually eat around 5 so we tell the kids that we are going to be leaving in about a minute. I walk over to start to make sure that we have everything ready to pack up. I turn around to watch Elizabeth go down a corkscrew slide (mind you it is one that she has gone down alone numerous times before), and she her face plant on the side as she is going down. I am not sure if her foot got caught or what, but all I know is I see Stephanie get her at the bottom of the slide, and then say, "We have blood".
Elizabeth is obviously crying loudly by this point, I walk over and have her look over at me and I see this inch long opening right above her right eye. Let me tell you this thing was bleeding, reminded me of a MMA fighter getting cut open with an elbow. So, as you know we decided to walk so there is not van waiting near by to take her to get looked at, so I take off running to get the van.
After arriving back at the playground with the van, I see Stephanie about to put Elizabeth in the swing to do a little swinging. I get out of the van with this look of, and why are you letting our little girl with a head wound out to play some more? (Stephanie writing here: Elizabeth was in the swing because umm, we have a strong and stubborn girl! Once she finished crying all she wanted to do was go on the swing. She was wriggling her way out of my lap and I thought, well, at least she will be sitting in the swing....carry on with your story....) Stephanie mentions that it has pretty much stopped bleeding and asked what my thoughts were. I said I would be more comfortable if we had someone look at it.
After waiting and then talking with a nurse in the ER, she mentioned that we may be seen quicker if we go over to an Urgent Care. We call one to make sure they do stitches and we head out. We get to the Urgent Care check in and talk with one of the nurses there to make sure they can handle the case. One of the docs come out to look at her wound and mentions liquid stitches (glue), but since he does not use it all the time, he would send out the doc who does. The doc who does use the liquid stitches comes out and says yes she would be able to close it with just the liquid.
Half hour later we get called back, Elizabeth does amazing while they have to clean it and then apply the stitches. All and all it was an ok experience. It was nice to know that Kathleen and Konstantin were at home taking care of our other 2 while Mom and Dad could handle the emergency.
Here is a picture of the after-math:
Like I said at the beginning, she is fine. You wouldn't even know anything had happened to her. Every now and then she will put her finger on the cut and say "owie". We are very happy that everything turned out ok.
Another one bites the dust.... pairs-- that is.
Yes, we have let our second au pair go. But the good news is that we have already found a replacement and he has already started. Yes, we have another "manny". He is 20 years old and from Austria. We really think this one will work out-third time's a charm, right?! (there's another 3 from my year of 3s---that post is still to come...) Tomorrow will be his first day home with the kids since Daddy and I go back to work :( bummer... Grandma will be here with him in the morning, but then he will have the afternoon to do my himself. But Daddy and I think he will do great! We'll keep you informed :)
Yes, we have let our second au pair go. But the good news is that we have already found a replacement and he has already started. Yes, we have another "manny". He is 20 years old and from Austria. We really think this one will work out-third time's a charm, right?! (there's another 3 from my year of 3s---that post is still to come...) Tomorrow will be his first day home with the kids since Daddy and I go back to work :( bummer... Grandma will be here with him in the morning, but then he will have the afternoon to do my himself. But Daddy and I think he will do great! We'll keep you informed :)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!!!
This is a lot later then I ever thought I would be up tonight, so I thought I would wish everyone a happy new year.
I hope that everyone has a great year!
2009! Crazy! Later I will have to write about all the 3s happening this year.....(oh, suspenseful! What a great teaser!hehehehehhe) ok, time for bed :)
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