Saturday, July 3, 2010

some little gems I found...

Over the last week both James and I have been cleaning the computer desk off (yes, it was *that* messy). I came across some notes I had taken on things to blog about. I'm guessing by re-reading these notes that they are from maybe February of this year...better late than never, right? :)

I don't think any of the kids have gotten bitten by any ants, but one of them must have had an ant crawl at them at some point, becuase we went through like a month when ever anyone would have an itch (especailly Elizabeth) she would say, "oh, there's ants on me". One day she was itching her nose and she said, "there's ants in there" When she was done itching I asked her if she was ok she said her favortie phrase of the week: "it's nice and better".

Here's something I caught myself saying that I hope I won't ever have to say again: "Joshua, get off the table and put on your clothes" :)