Sunday, August 31, 2008

Rollercoaster of emotions

So here's the big news- I went back to work full time. Yeah, I know, I know...I don't want to hear any grief about it. It wasn't my choice of things to do. It kinda sucks. So now that we have that out of the way, let me tell you about my new job.
I'm teaching a 3rd and 4th grade SEI class. (SEI is the new way to say ELL or English Language Learners). I've been told a few times that "at least I have a small class"- I have 17 kids. Which by Arizona standards is a small class since the other classes have 28 or so kids in them. But to me, coming from 2nd grade in California, where the max number of kids is 20, this is a normal sized class.
The teacher that was supposed to teach this class retired or moved to a new school (I've heard both stories) right before the start of school, so they have had a substitute in there for 1 1/2 weeks until I came. School started on the 11th of August, I was hired on the 15th (Friday) and they wanted me to start on the 18th (Monday). Umm, I need to find someone to watch the kids!!!! (More on that later...) I told them I would try my best to start on the 21st (Thursday), which I did.
Here's more about how my class was formed:
Arizona passed a law that all the ELL students had to be grouped in the same class. I am supposed to teach them English (grammar, reading, writing) for 4 hours a day and math for 1 hour. That's it. So, that's kinda cool because I don't have to worry about Science or Social Studies, but since this is a new thing, no one really knows what to do. Then, I have both 3rd and 4th graders (the only combo class at the school) and then I'm starting late. And of course, I missed new teacher training which is the week before the returning teachers come to school, but don't worry, I was told I can go next summer before the next school year starts. WHAT?!?!?! How is new teacher training going to help me in a year from now?! Who's going to help me now? And yes, luckily I've been a teacher before so I know something about what I am supposed to be doing, but I'm teaching in a new state (so new state standards), a new district and new school (that both have different rules and expectations then my previous school and district), I'm teaching a grade level I've never taught before to a whole class of ELL students, without much guidance, not knowing what textbooks to use (3rd or 4th? Do I teach the grades separate? I can't use 3rd grade text because the 4th graders have already done it and I can't use 4th grade text because then what will the 3rd graders do next year?) and different people I talk to giving me different answers or not know the answer..... AARRRRHHHHHHGGGG!!!!
But the teachers and staff have been very nice and as helpful as they can be (I'm referring again to then fact that this is all new, so some things they don't know the answer to!) The principal is very nice and has told me that she doesn't expect things to be up and running already, to not worry so much, just get to know the kids and build a sense of community, and that they are just happy that I'm there! So that is all very good to hear.
But to top it all off, I am now having to say good bye to my kids every morning to go to work, leaving them with a temporary nanny until I can find a permanent one. It's just been a lot of fun over here :)
And speaking of nannies, what we really decided to do was to get an au pair (which for those of you that don't know is a live in nanny from another country). So we have been trying to figure out that process, find someone quick--but not too quick since they will be watching our kids, living with us, and staying for a whole year--find someone we like who likes us and will be a good match for our family. And geez, I guess I didn't think about the fact that some people might be turned off by the idea of being responsible for watching 2 1/2 year old triplets. What?! You don't want to watch 3 toddlers? :)
But the good news--I know you are ready for some good news by now-WE FOUND SOMEONE!!! She is a 18 year old girl from Sweden. She seems really nice and the idea of toddler triplets did not make her run the other way and scream. She's hired! :) She is set to come on September 19th. And will be with us for a year. We are excited, it seems like a good fit for our situation. Having an au pair instead of a nanny gives us flexibility with the hours we use her, plus we are hoping to have her become a part of our family and build a close bond with our kids.

Overall, I think I will like teaching this class, I just wish I had like 2 weeks to go through materials and set up my classroom...but we are just chug-chugging along....we'll get there...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby Tiger Book

"Baby tiger book, baby tiger book" that is a phrase we often hear around our house. Joshua has become obsessed with this book (and it's from the library-great! how many times can I renew it?) It is a book about animals but on the cover it has a picture of a baby tiger hence "baby tiger book". It is just one of his many things that he likes to carry around during the day. Oh, yea, he's not obsessed with READING it, he just like to carry it around. He wants to take it in the car, and up to bed. He does read it throughout the day, but he mostly just likes carrying it around. He also has blue teddy bear blanket and little doggie, some days he also has monkey blanket and big doggie (in addition to the previously mentioned items). I won't bother to tell you what each of these items looks like, I bet you can tell by their names :)

When he wakes up from nap and I go in to get him he has his arms full of all of these items, ready to take them downstairs. And heaven forbid if I try to help him down the stairs by carrying one item like blue teddy bear blanket. Then he starts to fuss "blue teddy bear blanket, blue teddy bear blanket." "Yes, Joshua, blue teddy bear blanket, Mommy is going to carry it for you so you can walk down the stairs"

It really is cute (most of the time). It makes me smile :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Closing down the place

The other day I took Baby James for some one-on-one time to the library. It was on a Sunday and the library closed at 6 pm, so I decided to stay until it closed. That made me think "Cool, I'm *closing down* the library!" What a far way I am from the good 'ol days of closing down bars!!!!!

This happened again last Saturday night when Daddy James and I closed down the Paradise Bakery at 9pm before we went grocery shopping. WoooHoo!!! Closing down Paradise Bakery!! And yes, I said SATURDAY NIGHT and yes, we went grocery shopping after!! And we PAID a babysitter for this!!!! heehehheehehheheh

Good times, good times :)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our Trip to California: Day 4-Last Day :(

Today was our last day in California. We were sad, but Daddy and I were looking forward to being back to our normal schedule. We went with Jennifer and her family to the beach to walk on the sand and in the water. The kids had a great time! James was not too sure about the water, but he loved the sand, just like his brother and sister! After the beach we went to this fancy cupcake place and ordered some cupcakes to go. We went home, had lunch, and ate our cupcakes. They were yummy! Jennifer and her family left to go to a baseball game and we tried to get most of your stuff ready to go. After the kids got up we hung around for a little bit, until I realized that we were just hanging around in order to drive home when it was their bed time. I thought that was dumb, so we packed up the kids and hit the road! After driving for a little bit we stopped at McDonald's to have dinner. We let the kids play in the play area for a little, to hopefully burn off some steam before the long car ride.

Then we drove home. Nothing exciting-which is a good thing!

Nothing exciting..until we were almost home.....

We were still on the 10, but nearing the 101 (about 30 minutes from home) there was some road construction, it's night time now and dark out. We were all merging into one lane, so we were slowing down a bit. Then I heard this awful noise...and looked back to see a semi truck screeching from the right side of the road to the middle of the road, running into the construction concrete wall and clipping a couple cars. I'm not very religious, but the first thing I said was "Oh Lord" and not in an exclamatory way, but in a real, I'm talking to you God-oh Lord, please let everyone be ok. It was weird, it was eirry, there were no cars behind us anymore, there were no headlights from other cars. We saw a Highway Patrol Car sitting in the middle of the road, so James pulled over to tell him about the accident.

James and I were speechless. I finally said "We are SO lucky" James nodded in agreement. I continued, "We are lucky because not only did we not get into that accident, but we didn't get stuck behind it. Can you imagine how long it is going to take to clear the road of that?" There was already only one lane, now that lane is blocked by the accident. It was eirry, there were no cars behind us anymore, there were no headlights from other cars, and not because you are on the road late and everyone else is home in bed, but because you made it might have been the last car to make it through... I told James, "Like I keep thinking, everything happens for a reason....if I hadn't taken as long as I did when we stopped for gas and I went to the bathroom..." etc., etc.....

But we had made it through, and we were happy for that. We made it home and were happy that everyone transferred into their beds still sleeping, with Mommy and Daddy following not too far behind....

Our Trip to California: Day 3

BBQ at Andrea's house!
Our morning was filled with normal toddler things at Jennifer's house and then we went to the park with Kathleen. While the kids napped Kathleen took me to get my haircut by the girl I used to have cut my hair when I lived there. I loved my haircut! After that, Kathleen took me back to Jennifer's house to get ready for the BBQ at Andrea's.
We gathered at Andrea's house (well, I should say Andrea and her family's house) for a BBQ. Andrea's husband grilled up some hamburgers and hot dogs. They had a bouncy house set up in the front of the house that the kids loved! (and the Daddys too!) It was fun to chat with everyone, and we all had a great time!