"Baby tiger book, baby tiger book" that is a phrase we often hear around our house. Joshua has become obsessed with this book (and it's from the library-great! how many times can I renew it?) It is a book about animals but on the cover it has a picture of a baby tiger hence "baby tiger book". It is just one of his many things that he likes to carry around during the day. Oh, yea, he's not obsessed with READING it, he just like to carry it around. He wants to take it in the car, and up to bed. He does read it throughout the day, but he mostly just likes carrying it around. He also has blue teddy bear blanket and little doggie, some days he also has monkey blanket and big doggie (in addition to the previously mentioned items). I won't bother to tell you what each of these items looks like, I bet you can tell by their names :)
When he wakes up from nap and I go in to get him he has his arms full of all of these items, ready to take them downstairs. And heaven forbid if I try to help him down the stairs by carrying one item like blue teddy bear blanket. Then he starts to fuss "blue teddy bear blanket, blue teddy bear blanket." "Yes, Joshua, blue teddy bear blanket, Mommy is going to carry it for you so you can walk down the stairs"
It really is cute (most of the time). It makes me smile :)
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