The other day I took Baby James for some one-on-one time to the library. It was on a Sunday and the library closed at 6 pm, so I decided to stay until it closed. That made me think "Cool, I'm *closing down* the library!" What a far way I am from the good 'ol days of closing down bars!!!!!
This happened again last Saturday night when Daddy James and I closed down the Paradise Bakery at 9pm before we went grocery shopping. WoooHoo!!! Closing down Paradise Bakery!! And yes, I said SATURDAY NIGHT and yes, we went grocery shopping after!! And we PAID a babysitter for this!!!! heehehheehehheheh
Good times, good times :)
The funny part of it is, is that you were probably just thrilled to get out of the house. It didn't matter that it was grocery shopping on a Saturday night! You're right, how things change!
I know what you mean about how things change. Yesterday I was able to get three different types of stains out of clothes and it was such a high!!
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