So, I told you potty training was the next step. We've been just introducing it. The potties are out and the kids know if they go pee-pee they get 1 treat and if they go poo-poo they will get 2 treats. The "treats" are mini marshmallows. And since they have never had them since now, it is a big treat for them.
Anyways, everybody went once on the potty and got a treat. Ok, fine. But we have a potty star! Elizabeth is just like training herself! She just started more and more to say"poo poo on the potty" and start to run down the hallway. (She says poo-poo even when she has to go pee-pee). But now during the day, she goes on the potty all the time. I think on Sunday she wore a dry diaper all day. It is pretty damm cool! Of course, I wasn't expecting it, so I'm like "ah, what do I do next?! Am I supposed to get you some pull-ups or panties? What am I supposed to do?!" I haven't read 5 different books and 20 different internet articles yet!!!!
So the other day she was sitting on the potty and I was talking to her. We were talking about how she was a big girl now and she said "Elizabeth baby all gone" (which of course translates to Elizabeth is no longer a baby). I agreed with her. It was so true and so sad and the same time. It made me want to cry :(
Oh, that is so sweet! What a sweetheart and a big girl! I would go straight to underwear. Yes, the accidents can be messier to clean up, but I think kids train faster when they can feel the wetness in underwear, unlike Pull-ups. Good luck!
I second that opinion. I would go for the panties...pull-ups are OK for night for awhile, but during the day they're like a crutch. If Belle was in a pull-up, and she was doing something that she didn't want to stop she'd just go in the pull-up and tell me about it when it was more convenient to stop what she was doing.
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