Monday, September 15, 2008

What did he say?!

Daddy and I decided that we would tell the kids the "proper" name for their private parts (ya know, vjayjay and weiner...j/k vagina and penis). Well, at bedtime lately we've been putting cream on Elizabeth down there. So the boys will be walking around saying "cream on vagina" while we do it (ahh, the joys of toddlers heheeheh).

Well, the other night, we were driving home from somewhere and we were telling everyone what we were going to do when we got home "we'll go inside, change our diapers, get on our pajamas", etc...... We were just about home and we passed a McDonald's. James says something. I pause. Daddy and I look at each other and think the same thing: Did he say vagina or McDonald's?! Which would be the lesser of two evils for me to repeat back to him?! I understand saying McDonald's because that boy always wants to eat and we are driving by it, but why is he talking about vaginas? I'm not sure what exactly happened next, but I decided vagina would be the lesser of two evils.
He replies with a "yeah" or a "yeah, cream on vagina"
"Oh, o.k., yes, we will put cream on Elizabeth's vagina"

Heheehehhe...good times, good times :)

1 comment:

eden said...

you're killing me, that is so funny. Wait until he starts talking about vaginas in public and everyone around you will look at you and think...why is that little boy talking about a vagina? :)