Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hi! Remember us? There has been so many things going on here I just haven't had time to write anything on our blog. The good news is that I have been making notes of cute things that the kids have been saying and doing. I was waiting to post this until I added some new pictures, but at the rate I'm going I thought I better just post this now and add some pictures later....

Here are a couple cute un-grammatical things the kids have been saying:

Mom to Joshua, "Do you need nay help?"
Joshua, "No, mine fine"

The kids are learning a little Spanish. They can count in Spanish (up to 6, sometimes up to 10) and when things are hot they sometimes say "hace calor" and the other day Joshua took a drink of some ice water and said "oohhh, hace frio". I'm not really sure if that is the correct Spanish grammar, but it's cute!

We were at the park and baby James had to go potty. It was a little bit of a walk to the bathroom so I asked him, "do you have to go really bad?" James said "no, me good boy"

This story must have happened a while ago because it was raining--Joshua looked out the window and says "rain-stop". Then he paused and said "Rain don't hear me. Rain no talk"

We were driving and we were stopped at a red light and I heard Joshua saying "stop. stop. stop. stop." I looked up and saw the red hand for pedestrians was flashing and every time the red hand would come on he would say stop.

New pictures coming soon....and a post about our California trip we just took...