Friday, May 28, 2010

Our crazy week

Monday night we went to Sweet Tomatoes (Souplantantion for those of you in California)for dinner. It was our last dinner out with our Au Pair.

That night at 10:30 p.m. baby James woke me up to tell me that his stomach hurt. I tucked him into bed but he came back a few minutes later and threw up (he made it to the toilet thankfully!). He said "I ate too much". After that was all taken care of and I was back in bed I was thinking, hopefully it was just because he ate too much because the next day was the kids last day of preschool and then THAT NIGHT James and I were going out and spending the night out (!) while we had the chance since our Au Pair was still here. It made me think back to the time James and I had a trip planned to Vegas and Kathleen was here to watch the kids and they all got a stomach bug right before our trip and we almost cancelled, but they were better so we went.... but I was thinking, it's ok, he just ate too much.....then at 12:30 he was back :( of course his stomach was empty...poor guy. Again I thought, "it's ok, it's ok..." Then he was back at 3:30, and 5:30....

Well, fast forward to later on Tuesday---James is doing fine, no one else got sick! James and I were free to go out!!!! Yea!

So we went to this Hilton, and decided to proceed directly to the pool, do not pass go, do not collect $200. It was all about laying by the pool with a book. Absolutely amazing! :) Read, relax, take a nap? sure! read some more. Then we had some dinner, slept in, and the next day repeated the pool procedure... read, relax, take a nap? sure! read some more... it was fabulous!

So Wednesday around dinner time we come home, the kids were super excited to see us (which is always nice) Joshua told me "I missed you sooo much" and James said "yea, I missed you" :)

Then Wednesday night, as I lay sleeping...James comes into my room to tell me that Elizabeth is crying. I go in there and she says her belly hurts. She says "I ate too much". I reassure her that it will be ok, go back to my room, and I hear the sound nobody likes to hear but everyone knows what it is....yup, Elizabeth threw her bed :( My first thought was, well, at least she waited until after we got back from our night away! :)

The rest of the week was not as exciting. Joshua never got sick. He had an afternoon where his belly "felt funny" and he didn't eat snack, but that was all.

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