Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to my three beautiful kids!!!
Today they turn 3!!!
Can you believe it?! I can't! It was three years ago today that these tiny little guys came into our lives. James weighed 2 pounds, 10 oz., Elizabeth was 2 lbs., 5 oz., and Joshua was 2lbs., 15 oz. You wouldn't know it by looking at them now!
We are so happy and so lucky to have 3 happy, healthy, amazing kids!


eden said...

I knew we were somewhere in the "Birthday" neck of the woods! Happy Birthday to Everyone! It sometimes seems like our children's Birthday's are as big of an accomplishment for us parents as it is for our kids.
Have a fantastic DAY!

Andrea said...

It's always so bittersweet when they turn another year older. These last three years have FLOWN by!