Friday, March 20, 2009

Routines (now with pictures!)

It’s funny how some things happen once, then twice, then before you know it-it has turned into a routine. The kids have taken it upon themselves to create some of their own routines. Like at bedtime, we all walk up the stairs and the kids run into the boys’ room. They all “hide” behind James’ crib until Daddy and I come in and “find” them. Then Elizabeth runs into her room while we put the boys into their cribs. Mommy gives the boys hugs and kisses, then I go into Elizabeth’s room. Elizabeth is “hiding” again, this time under her bed. (The first couple times she did this and I would look under her bed to find her, she would tell me which side of the bed to come find her). Once I “find” her she runs out from under the bed and sits in the rocking chair waiting for me to sit with her. Then Daddy comes in and takes over, rocking with her for a few minutes before laying her down to sleep.

Another routine that we used to have (it’s almost gone), is after nap time is done, or in the morning after bedtime, the kids gather up their stuffed animals to take downstairs. When they get to the stairs, they throw the animals downstairs, then go down to get them. This routine has all but stopped since they usually just keep whatever is in their crib there. Except for Joshua, who I think has just been slowly taking a couple things into his crib at a time and not ever taking any of it back downstairs Here are a couple pictures to prove my point:

This is James' crib to see as a comparision.
One blanket, one pillow, one stuffed animal.

Here's Joshua's WALL OF STUFF:

I demolished his wall so you could see how much stuff was built into his beaver dam:

Here's a closer look (left side):

Here's a closer look (right side):

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