Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another one bites the dust.... pairs-- that is.
Yes, we have let our second au pair go. But the good news is that we have already found a replacement and he has already started. Yes, we have another "manny". He is 20 years old and from Austria. We really think this one will work out-third time's a charm, right?! (there's another 3 from my year of 3s---that post is still to come...) Tomorrow will be his first day home with the kids since Daddy and I go back to work :( bummer... Grandma will be here with him in the morning, but then he will have the afternoon to do my himself. But Daddy and I think he will do great! We'll keep you informed :)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Whoa! What are you guys doing to scare away all the au pairs?? Just kidding! So how is the new manny? And you still haven't answered the most important question: is he hot? ; ) Does he speak like Arnold? Inquiring minds...