Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Stories Part 2:Christmas Eve

So I thought I would document Daddy's first (of many) Christmas Eve's
assembling Christmas presents!!!! :)
This year Daddy got to put together a train table and then he put together a box of train tracks so the kids could use the trains right away.

Twelve hours later....

Just kidding- Daddy said it only took about an hour.

Flash forward to Christmas morning---
the cool train track that Daddy put together took about 1 minute to be knocked down by 3 eager toddlers! :(
It has now been turned into a nice big flat loop with no supports to knock over.

1 comment:

eden said...

We had a train table Christmas Eve last year...lets just say it took us longer than an hour to assemble. I understand the whole demolition thing though. Same thing happened with us. My friend said that she got tired of her kids taking it appart, so she glued it together to the table. Now they play with it for hours on end. I know it sounds crazy, and kinda defeats the purpose of "building" tracks, but I have been tempted at times to do the same thing!