Sunday, December 7, 2008

PVMOM play date

Today we had a play date with about 60 other families of multiples. We can not always make it to these events. They usually plan them is during the kids naps. Lucky us, this one was at a good time. 10 - 1 The kids nap is at 11:30 but we thought we could push it back since we knew they would have so much fun, they would not be tired, or want to leave. As you can see by the pictures, it was at an oversized Mc Donalds playground. There was this huge jungle gym apparatus, a slide area, and a gymnastics room (which included a trampoline).

Let me say the kids loved it!! We ended up staying till 12:30. Of course the kids slept in the car on the ride home. Well, I think James was asleep before we left the parking lot. Elizabeth and Joshua we up a little longer, but finally crashed about 15 minutes from home.

Mom and I took them up stairs to sleep by 1:00 and they all slept till about 3:45, even Mommy got a little nap in. It was a blast, even I want to go back.


eden said...

Looks Fun! Where was that? Oh, and where did you guys go to play in the snow?? Cute new pics in the slide show! Sorry I have not been commenting a ton lately, but I check your blog everyday to see the new stuff!

James said...

The place is called Kids U, it is located in N. Scottsdale. The pics with the snow is from our trip to Glendale Glitters in Downtown Glendale.